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913-634-5883 MichelleDistlerW4 App Paid for by Elect Michelle Distler Rick Umberger, Treasurer |
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
In order to build even stronger relationships with the Shawnee residents of Ward 4, I would like to hear from as many of you as possible. I care about the issues that affect you and the city, and there are several ways we can communicate back and forth. I am always available via email and phone for your input and suggestions. It's important for everyone to voice their concerns and to get answers to pressing questions. I will post issues via my Facebook page, Twitter, and APP and, if you would prefer, I will arrange for you to receive email notifications of upcoming issues. In addition to the above mentioned resources, I will also be posting survey questions that will give you an opportunity to vote on issues that are coming before me because I value your input in my decision making process. I hope you find these resources valuable, and that you can use them frequently so we can all stay in touch. Sharing information is the easiest and best way I can think of to move our city forward. Thank you! |